Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Be perfect, therefore, as your Heavenly Father is perfect.  Matthew 5:48

With the fall of man, humans lost their perfect image, their reflection of God.  But we are called to return to that likeness.  Through redemption, God’s saving grace and mercy, we can once again become that perfect creation God designed us to be. 

Beginning in Matthew chapter 5 and continuing through chapter 7, Jesus’ great sermon is recorded.  Just imagine sitting in the sun, on a hillside, listening to the VERY Word of God through the voice of His Son Jesus. On that beautiful day, Jesus spoke the words above, but equally important are words from the prayer He modeled a few moments later, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.  If it is accomplished in Heaven, then it is possible on earth and that includes our perfection through salvation and Holy living.

We make mistakes, but there is a great difference between life’s ‘uh ohs’ and outright defiance to God and His stated ordinances.  Perfection (Holiness), is possible or Jesus wouldn’t have spoken of it.  God is able to lead us into His perfect love and will. It is the absolute best place on earth.



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