Friday, June 28, 2019

Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” Acts 3:6 (Acts 3-6:7)

Each day the new believers met at the Temple grounds. Their astounding growth alarmed the Jewish leadership, who was held in check by the positive opinion of the crowds. One day, as Peter and John walked by the Temple gate called Beautiful, a cripple was begging. Peter heals him, but the Jewish rulers become jealous and question him and Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit explains his miraculous power. The man that very recently allowed fear to deny any knowledge of Jesus, now courageously faces down his master’s murderers, preaches repentance and reminds the Jewish people they are heirs of the prophets and created to bless all nations.

There was trial and tribulation within and without the young Christian community.  Ananias and Sapphira, a married couple, sold some land and pretended to give all the proceeds to the disciples to share with everyone. Their false piety brought an immediate death sentence from God. This did not deter the progress of evangelism. Peter and John were arrested, then freed with a warning, arrested again, freed by an Angel and then flogged with a final warning to cease and desist. They didn’t! There was work to be done.

Acting without formal organization and prompted only by their commitment to Christ, the early Christians multiplied through brotherhood, fellowship and devotion to spreading the Good News. As the Pentecost crowds went home and the city quieted back to normal, God had other plans. This New World Order of love and sacrifice was changing the way life was lived for those who knew salvation. It’s amazing what a little love and sacrifice can do.

Happy Weekend,


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