Saturday, June 22, 2019

Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when You come into Your Kingdom.” Jesus answered him, “I tell you the truth, today you will be with Me in paradise.” Luke 23:42-43  (Matthew 27:33-56, Mark 15:23-38, Luke 23:32-46, John 19:18-37)

Around noon Jesus arrived at the hill top call Golgotha, The Skull. As He was raised in agony, He looked out and could see the bitter sorrow of His family, friends and followers mixed among His enemies scoffing and jeering Him as they might a circus freak show. Soldiers gambled for his clothing as He hung naked and bleeding. Jesus’ response? He spoke hope to the thief hanging next to Him and directed John, His disciple, to care for His mother. Kindness and mercy ranked higher than humiliation and pain.

As Jesus cried out from the cross a great darkness covered the land. For a moment, the King of Kings acknowledged the depth of brokenness man feels when it seems all hope is gone. This hour is marked by miraculous events, dispelling the thought that God would ever leave a wicked world to manage on its own. The Temple curtain was torn in two, signifying there is no barrier between man and God. The earth shook and rocks split open proclaiming Jesus as the conquering Savior, and the graves of many saints burst open granting proof and guarantee that death’s grip was forever broken and eternal life is a reality.

Jesus gives His up and the long reign of human sin and death is gone. Because Jesus lived to die, we can die and live. His suffering was for our salvation. Love manifested itself in obedience to God and goodness toward all mankind. It was the best day in the whole world!



2 thoughts on “Saturday, June 22, 2019”

  1. Thanks Gretchen,
    Lately I’ve been so deep in my yearnings to be like HIM that i have tried to imagine being one of those that took His body down from the cross, embracing Him with His broken body, blood and all. It has benefited me greatly to think of the blood washing me from head to toe and being proud that THIS IS MY SAVIOR, HERO, UNSTOPPABLE COSMIC FORCE THAT ENABLES ME TO LIVE AS HE LIVES!! This is who I celebrate, live for, die for, “and in Him we find our being”. Phil

    1. Remember Phil, the two men that took Jesus off the cross were also to careful to risk acknowledging their belief in Jesus the Christ while He lived on earth. Grace does its best work in the face of man’s greatest shame and self-disappointment.

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