Wednesday, May 22, 2019

“The Kingdom of Heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. Matthew 13:44 (Matthew 13:1-52, Mark 4:1-34, Luke 8:4-18, 13:18-19)

Jesus used many methods to effectively teach the multitudes and especially His disciples the Truth and nature of God’s Kingdom. Hyperbole, warnings, laments and denunciations as well as proverbs and the beatitudes are examples. The most interesting though, are His parables. They teach moral truth and principle using simple comparisons well suited to common man. After Jesus taught in public, He would explain in detail what He meant to His intimate circle.

Parables sorted out those who came to see miracles and be entertained, from those who seriously followed Jesus and wanted to fully understand who He was and why He had come. This is explained in the story of the sower and the cycle of seeds that wither beside those that produce fruit.

The parable of the weeds explained that evil will exist along side good till the end of this age when there will be a time of harvest and separation.  The tiny mustard seed, a very small beginning, will grow beyond comprehension, providing shelter for the carefree birds of the air, just as the Kingdom of Heaven began as a small helpless, yet Holy child. And finally,  in the parables of hidden treasure and pearl of great price, Jesus emphasized His purpose, an eternal life worth giving up everything, even this life, to make sure you obtain it.

Jesus was present at the beginning of time. Actually, He existed long before the void was brought into order. He knows all and wants us to understand. The more we seek, the more He will reveal. It’s up to you. What an honor to be given an invitation from the one who Created it all for one purpose, Love.



2 thoughts on “Wednesday, May 22, 2019”

  1. What insights into the words of our Lord. Having looked into the science of behavior, I have seen how my behavior always leaves me a little empty in comparison. But this much has been revealed to me through it- that we could understand the realms it (behavior) exists in, (especially the spiritual realm), I can know that before humility of Spirit is experienced, I have no other qualifier that enables me to come before the throne of grace with boldness, and that boldness of Spirit opens doors to share my faith. Not boldness in my own worth, but in the worth of my life in the hands of Jesus. He is the only one who defines any value I might have. he said it Himself when he said “Apart from me, you can do nothing, but he who remains in me can produce much fruit”. I don’t know if that is verbatim, but the principle still applies. thanks Gretchen – hope to see you and Keith at Mary’s on the 4th. Phil

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