Friday, March 22, 2019

Son of man, you are living among a rebellious people. They have eyes to see but do not see and ears to hear but do not hear, for they are a rebellious people.  Ezekiel 12:1 (Ezekiel 12-17) 

The purpose of the prophecies for Israel and Judah was to make the nation aware of its sin and  return to obedience. God’s people were not willing and the nation came to an end, its citizens carried into captivity or remained locally in devastating circumstances. Still, there was division among these people that had seen the prophecies fulfilled and punishment rain down.  Some believed and sought guidance, others were anxious, bitter and rebellious. Ezekiel symbolized this horrible state by carrying his belongings on his back.

False prophets still spread words of confidence in Jerusalem’s impenetrable power, and their conflicting messages eroded trust in God. However, everyone is responsible for their own faith, both the incorrect messenger and the hearer that choses to believe the comfortable over the correct. The wrong teacher will be condemned to death, but those who demand God to compete with a ‘circus act’ to prove Himself worthy of their attention will also, meet their just end.

God gives Ezekiel three important allegories to share among the captives. First, Jerusalem is a useless vine, a piece of wood that produces no fruit, can’t be used to build anything, and is only good as kindling. Second, Israel/Judah are like an adulterous wife who was given security and prosperity, but traded it all for a life of self-indulgence. Lastly, two eagles and a vine represent Egypt, Babylon, their kings and Zedekiah, Judah’s final king. The tender twig is The Messiah, the restored royal member of David.

We are all accountable for what we ingest and digest as our spiritual food. No one will get a ‘get out of hell free’ pass, due to a misunderstanding of convenience. I’m glad we serve an all-knowing God that judges with perfect love, but in that there is the ‘ALL-KNOWING part. You will have no secrets, so do right in all things at all times.



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