Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Then he set it before them, and they ate and had some left over according to the word of the LORD. II Kings 4:44 (II Kings 3-7)

Elisha was the people’s prophet.  Most of his miracles were of healing and kindness. His story began as part of God’s remedy to Elijah’s depression. Many of Elisha’s miracles were repeated in some way by Jesus. Jesus fed a multitude with one child’s lunch, but first Elisha fed 100 with 20 barley loaves, also with left overs to spare! Elisha healed a Syrian soldier. Jesus used this example to justify His own healing of non Jews.

The resume of this prophet certainly reads like a Biblical superhero.  He purified a well, then filled a valley with water to sustain Israel and Judah’s armies while using that same water to fool the king of Moab into defeat.  A widows oil was increased, the Shunammite’s  young son was raised from the dead, a poisonous vine was accidentally added to a stew and Elisha cleansed the food, loaves of bread were multiplied and Naaman, the Syrian, was cured of leprosy. An ax head defied gravity to save the borrower’s honor and Elisha’s invisible chariots saved Samaria.

These all were acts of mercy.  In a tumultuous time when wrong and right were obscured by false teachers and corrupt governments, Elisha showed God’s intimate love for people.

In time of famine, heartache, oppression or depression, when God is difficult to define, making Him even harder to see, and you find yourself curled up under the broom tree, in a fetal position, don’t despair. God is readying a miracle, custom designed for you. The best is still to come.



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