Saturday, January 12, 2019

My son, if sinners entice you, do not give in to them. Proverbs 1:10 (Proverbs 1-4)

Solomon wrote over 3000 short, intellectual proverbs focused on morality, chastity, diligence, compassion, personal finances, family life, the list goes on. His starting point was to put God in His proper place. He is the center of all things and you are not.

Proverbs is not a book of theology. Its purpose is to instill virtues taught throughout the Biblical discourse. God has a design for man’s peace and prosperity but man must embrace the life style God desires.

Don’t let satan, or his friendly neighborhood sinners, convince you that absolute diligence to love and good is a waste of time. Jesus’  commitment and perseverance is the supreme example that it is not. Stay so busy doing good that you don’t have time for bad.

Happy Weekend,


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