Sunday Stories, December 30, 2018

In the fall as school was beginning I was presented a shirt. The shirt read, #Iherdcatsandteachthemtoread.  If you don’t read hashtags here’s the interpretation, “I heard cats and teach them to read.” The first few weeks of kindergarten could be likened to wrangling cats, or possibly butterflies. I am always overwhelmed early on and think, “How will I ever get them ready for first grade?” Then we begin with the smallest increments of learning and soon I relax and know all is well, we can do this. When it came time for me to prepare Christmas gifts for my students, I made each child a shirt to compliment mine.  Their’s said, #thiscatcanread. Translation: “This cat can read.”

I wanted a special moment with pictures when I gave them their shirts. We went to our cafeteria, all decorated for the season, I sat them on some steps and began my gift giving.  Before the first child unrolled a shirt, a little voice spoke, “Thank you, Mrs. Rooney.” I paused and turned. The child hadn’t received anything.  I said, “You’re welcome, but you don’t have a gift yet.” He replied, “I know I’ll like it.”

On Christmas day my family attended the First United Method’s Christmas morning worship service.  As the liturgist finished reading the scripture, the congregation responded, “Thanks be to God.” Behind me, a tiny voice joined in, “Thanks be to God.”  I didn’t turn until after the final ‘Amen’. I had to put a face to the child that was learning to celebrate, The Word becoming flesh and dwelling among us.” John 1:14. The face belonged to a toddler.

Many years ago a couple I dd not know well gave birth to twins, prematurely. I was drawn to their situation and fasted, prayed, and fell in love with two beautiful babies from afar. They are now young college coeds with bright futures.  A few days before Christmas they stopped by my house and presented me with a framed photograph of my husband and I sitting on top of the world, laughing.  Where did they get this photo? Well……they were there. One snapped the picture while the other laughed too. God saw fit to bring us close and has allowed our families to share in many adventures to the edge of the earth.

The noise of the world often unsettles me.  I am sickened to hear God’s Holy name uttered as cursing, and watch the horror man brings on themselves and each other. At every turn of channel, cynicism, disrespect and hatred are marketed for various purposes. It wears me out, but there IS good! Lots of it.  The Bible says that our praises are like the fragrance of an unblemished sacrifice rising to God’s Throne.

Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise-the fruit of lips that openly profess His name. And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.

Hebrews 13:15-16

When we honor God, we change the world, even if it is just the space one person occupies. I am so grateful for the innocent goodness I witnessed this Christmas season. Little things matter so much. Don’t give up and don’t be afraid to be small. You’re making a big difference somewhere!



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