Sunday Stories, December 23, 2018

I once pretended to smoke a white crayon, Audrey Hepburn/Breakfast at Tiffany’s style. Mother saw me through the screen door and soundly punished me. Things not tolerated young don’t become vices when old. Candy cigarets and tobacco pouch bubble gum weren’t allowed in our house, and we never, EVER! used God’s name or any frame of reference to Jesus, as slang. It wasn’t so much a matter of what not to say, but one of thoughtfulness before you speak. Say what you mean, mean what you say and in this, your character will be known.

Christmas, the holiday that dwarfs all others in American culture, begins with the name Christ.  It is a religious celebration and as secular as it sometimes seems, it is harder to take Christ out of Christmas than to leave Him in its midst. But there is an issue of oblivion that ‘A once in a world’s event’ and the sacred esteem it should be given, brushes past us in the flurry of the hurry and we miss the most precious gift God gave, the attainability of Holiness and eternal life.

Throughout the holidays the word Holy fills the air.  It headlines Christmas cards and Advertisements, and is referred to in song, not only by Christian musicians, but secular artists that ring out a description of The Prince of Peace, Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Son of God, they do not revere. The premier definition of The Savior has become common slang and a feel good phrase of the holidays, but in reality, it is the foundation of all creation, the Holiness of God.

Holiness is the absence of sin. This is the one standard on earth where there is no variation, objectivity, or subjectivity. In all other things we sort, compare and rate value: ‘A’ is good, but ‘B’ is better.  I am bad, but someone else is worse.  Don’t judge me, you’ve done it too.……. But the Holiness of God cannot be ranked against a worldly standard.

We sing “Silent night, Holy night,” “O Holy night,” and more carols of a Holy Christ Child, but can we live as though Holiness is a reality? Strong arguments are regularly made concerning the fallacy of its legitimacy. Why? Because in a war of comparison we have a fighting chance but standing alone against our own actions and responses, we could easily be weighed and found wanting.  We cling to the hope of claiming success in some moral choices while admitting defeat in others. It is the ALL IN of Holiness we resist.

Scripture is clear, Holiness is required and possible, .

Search me, God and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. Psalm 139:23-24 

In your relationship with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus. Phillipians 2:5

Be perfect, therefore, as your Heavenly Father is perfect. Matthew 5:48

God will not coexist in our lives with sin. He sent His Only Son to set men free from satan’s bondage, thus His purpose is Holiness for those who believe. Don’t wear yourself out with the housekeeping of your heart, let God do the renovations and domestic engineering needed to keep things worthy of a residence fit for Your King.

Merry CHIRSTmas,


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