Sunday Stories, September 23, 2018

My world is full of billboards, memes and catchphrases. Even in the room where I sleep there are inspirational quotes, beautifully etched, framed and hung, by me!  I awake each morning and see the words, “It is well with my soul.” I have to admit, sometimes I wonder if it really is.

The things I surround myself with, people, music, work, travel, the aesthetics of my home, are purposeful.  I avoid conflict, (really mom, I promise I do!) so I detour around toxic relationships. My personal world reflects my search for rest and peace, but it is my mind that is the intermittent enemy. I cannot stow it away for the period of time it haunts me with negativity and tells me I am not good enough and that I fail in every aspect of my best efforts.  Where and when did my consciousness become a traitor? I do not know, but I do know some other stuff, so keep reading.

Depression, occasional or chronic, is ugly.  It doesn’t eat away healthy tissue or shut down organs, but it wears and tears away the soul, the most intimate part of life, until there is nothing left. Then…….… 

‘When the going gets tough, the tough get going.”  “Peace Out.” “Get your big girl panties on!” “Chill!” “Too blessed to be stressed.” And so it goes, on and on and on……find your superhuman power, you can do it! I’m guilty of quoting, and wearing, these phrases. They are not septic to our society, except that we have never, EVER, been asked to strong. WE ARE CALLED TO BE FAITHFUL. Strong and faithful are not the same, one is born of the other.

Following the feeding of the 5000, Jesus sent the disciples to Gennesarat, across the Sea of Galilee, while he gave Himself some prayer time. During the night a storm stirred up waves and Jesus saw the vessel struggling to make headway against the wind. He went out to them, but they mistook Him for a ghost. Jesus spoke, “Take courage, it is I.” In a moment of great terror, not strength, the disciple Peter asked for proof and stepped into the turbulent water. Upon realizing his predicament, he began to sink. Peter immediately cried out to Jesus and he was saved. He walked across water…..only because Jesus held his hand. (Matthew 14:22-33) Jesus’ supreme and divine power were demonstrated this night so the disciples would believe. God wants you to believe also, and He wants you to know that your need is His concern.

Strength is found in faithfulness, a steadfast determination to know that The Almighty God is at work in your life. The world teaches the opposite, so we refuse to cry out because we must be strong. God longs for you to call to Him so He can answer back. When you are not capable, remember, God alone spoke the world into order. When you cannot make peace, get some rest and allow God’s perfect justice and timing to be enough. Jesus thought you worth saving, so He died to prove it. God is faithful and will take care of your defeats with His strength.

You are more that a cute phrase on a t-shirt or fancy font in neon. Jesus came across the lake because He saw man’s need. Step out of the boat and let the victor over sin and death take your hand….every time…..all day, every day……do not quit calling, asking, crying out and stepping out to the divine strength awaiting.



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