Saturday, May 26, 2018

You have set our iniquities before you, our secret sins in the light of your presence. Psalm 90:8

This Psalm has been accredited to Moses along with Psalms 91-100, but most scholars discount him as the original composer. It is considered to be one of the first Psalms written down, so it is connected to the time of Moses and would have been sung in worship.  It depicts the eternity of God and the brevity of man’s existence.

Compared to eons of time, the billions of inhabitants on earth, at any given time, seem very insignificant. Not true! None of us is the center of the universe, but the universe was made, by God, as our home and we are each fearfully and wonderfully made. We matter a lot and God is particular about our spiritual well-being.

Secrets are dangerous. They hold the power to destroy.  Even if you think your secrets aren’t hurting anyone else, they are hurting you with fear and shame. God’s light drives out the darkness of confusion and regret, and I promise… can’t keep secrets from God. He isn’t shocked or overwhelmed with the gravity of your issues. He is already there and everything is going to be okay if you will trust Him.

Have a Wonderful Weekend!


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