Tuesday, March 27, 2018

This is the bread that came down from Heaven. Your ancestors ate manna and died, but whoever feeds on this bread will live forever. John 6:58

The miracle of feeding 5,000 people with five small barley loaves and two fish, is the only miracle told in all four Gospels. Multitudes were traveling toward Jerusalem, Passover bound. This crowd of Jews understood the story of manna from Heaven. After the Exodus of Hebrew slaves out of Egypt, they feared they would starve in the desert. God fed the young nation with manna from Heaven.

Jesus, the Man of Miracles, that ministered to the physical needs of so many, begins His final year on earth. Yes, He healed and fed bodies many times, but He came to heal souls and rescue lives from the bondage of sin and shame. 

Some of those who heard Jesus’ words lost interest when they realized He wasn’t going to set up an eternal food program on earth.  They wanted an earthly king that gave them a quality of life based on their familial connection to Abraham. They were entitled and offended when Jesus didn’t come through to their expectation.

Man cannot live without bread. He also cannot not ‘Live’ without Jesus, The Bread of Life.



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