Friday, March 23, 2017

They stripped Him and put a scarlet robe on Him, and then twisted together a crown of thorns and set it on His head. They put a staff in His right hand. Then they knelt in front of Him and mocked Him. “Hail, king of the Jews!” they said. Matthew 27:28-29

Jesus called Himself The Son of God. This declaration by someone other than The One True God is considered blasphemy, a crime punishable by death. Fair enough, but there was plenty of evidence to the Truth. However, justice and facts weren’t the issue, the extreme evil in the heart of man was. Jews, Herod and his soldiers, Pilate and his soldiers, priests, elders and scribes took part in the sport of humiliate (they stripped Him naked) and torture (thorns were crammed into his scalp and face). They thought they were bringing Jesus down from His high horse………He was patiently waiting for love to have its final word.

I’ve always wondered if those people went home that night proud of themselves. Did they feel all big inside, being part of a riot that ended in someone’s death? How did their children, sitting across the room, look at them. Did they fear the adults so free and loose with their fists and spit, or did they hail them as heroes? Did any of them want to rewind time and have a do over of that day? Was there any life changing regret? Thoughts on these answers matter to us today because they define character and the motivation of our own actions toward one another. It’s easy to pick out the wrong doers at the crucifixion, but if we withhold love’s chance and opportunity, we stand in the shadow of the cross, not the Light!

For these vicious hate filled men, and women, Grace was never out of reach until their final breath was drawn. In fact, when Jesus drew His final breath a soldier that had played a part in the day’s events came to believe. RIGHT THERE IN LIVING COLOR, AT THE FOOT OF THE CROSS a murderer was humbled, confessed and found eternal life.

I am so relieved that God is Good, He is Love. We must cautiously, with determination, guard our hearts against all things but love and goodness.

Happy Friday!


2 thoughts on “Friday, March 23, 2017”

  1. I really needed something to read to make me feel stronger so I went straight to your site. Keep writing. I need it

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