Thursday, February 8, 2018

So they sat down in groups of hundreds and fifties. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to Heaven, He gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then He gave them to His disciples to distribute to the people. He also divided the two fish among them all.  Mark 6:40-41

The disciples were exhausted. Jesus was taking them to a quiet, solitary place to rest, but people saw where they were going and got there ahead of them. It was late in the afternoon in the middle of no where. Everyone was tired and hungry but no one wanted to leave.  Jesus sent His disciples out to gather what food they could find among those gathered.  From thousands of people they collected five loaves and two fish. Plenty to be grateful for and more than enough to satisfy when your Daddy is God Almighty.

The time was Passover, THE Jewish Holiday!  The multitudes were headed to Jerusalem for the celebration. Due to the plot to kill Him on a prior visit, Jesus and His friends would not be joining in any festivities.  Instead, Jesus serves. He does not rebel against His opposition with harsh consequences, nor does He sequester Himself and His supporters and slander the unbeliever. He lovingly feeds the hungry in their need.

It wasn’t the quality or quantity of resources that determined the outcome. It was the love of the Giver. Take all that you have, lay it at Jesus’ feet and count the baskets full returned. (For the entire miracle read Mark 6:30-44.)

Have a Lovely Day,


Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Against You, You only, have I sinned and done what is evil in Your sight; so You are right in Your verdict and justified when You judge. Psalm 51:4

David wrote this Psalm in the aftermath of his adulterous relationship with Bathsheba that ended in a pregnancy and eventually the murder of Bathsheba’s noble and honorable husband Uriah, who happened to be a soldier in David’s army. Through the words of Nathan, God’s prophet David saw himself as God saw him and was driven to confess and beg for mercy. God forgave and created in him a pure heart (vs. 10).

Our sins, ALL sins are against only one, God.  Do they hurt those we share life with and possibly many we may never know? Yes. But when sins are forgiven they become God’s, and He chooses to dispose of them completely.  He will guide you to correct restitution or into ‘pay it forward’ mode. He alone is wise and all knowing and works perfectly in His time and will for our well-being when we follow Him with single hearted determination.

Satan does not like being denied access to our vulnerability so he uses what he has, our shame, memories, and the attitudes and actions of those among us.  Never forget Who’s you are, the ONE that forgave you completely for the sins you committed against Him ONLY.



Tuesday, February 6, 2018

I charge you, to keep this command without spot or blame until the appearing of our LORD Jesus Christ. I Timothy 6:14

Timothy, an early convert turned missionary, was in Ephesus supervising the choosing and training of church leaders when Paul wrote this letter to him. Paul directs Timothy to resist being sidetracked by trivial things and remain focused on the essentials of Truth.

There were no seminaries in the early church. Developing pastoral teams could be a challenge when theological debate took precedence over grace and faith. The lure of financial gain was a distraction in addition to the confusion between righteous behavior and empty tradition. Paul’s charge was a faith the guides godliness, love, endurance and gentleness, thus completing righteousness without spot or blame.

Life is to be lived in the knowledge that Christ will return someday. At that moment the only thing that will matter is your faith, evidenced in the things you did.



Monday, February 5, 2018

Finally, be strong in the LORD and in His mighty power. Ephesians 6:10

This is the introduction to the full armor of God, the means by which we ourselves will survive Satan’s onslaught.

Written from house arrest in Rome, this letter reads more like a sermon than a correspondence. In it, Paul calls for unity and harmony among believers. Christians must be different than the world. The church, struggling with false profits, opposing theologies, prejudices and anything else satan can devise to destroy, is given specific instructions on how christians should respond to the world around.  First and foremost, God’s power in the life of a Christian is evidenced in our relationship with those around us.

The fight is on.  We may be saved, but that won’t stop satan from attempting to hobble our good works in the name of Christ Jesus. The enemy has forces we are unprepared to recognize and oppose without the strength and power of Heaven’s armor. 

Victory is not a casual, coincidental event.  It is fought and won by the stronger, wiser contender.  Be that warrior!

Watch out Satan, Here I Come!


Sunday Stories, February 4, 2018

“Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea. Even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.” Psalms 139: 7-10

I call them Judas days, moments that betray me, seconds of doubt and disappointment that flash through my mind, hook together with like thoughts and become days, weeks….. seasons.  I have confessed my sins and they are forgiven. I believe that the exclusive, defining characteristic of God is Love, but in days of Judas, when all I know and believe doesn’t seem to be enough, there is an illogical darkness, a waning of warmth and comfort, a shift from confident balance and positivity, to a fragile grasp, clinging to the promises of a God I know is Good.

If I am a Christian why am I not exempt from depression? I do not have the answer to that, but I too struggle with mental shadows. I am NOT a mental health professional but I have found things that bring me through my Judas days in victory.

  1. Most importantly, find a health care professional that you trust and be honest with them.
  2. Don’t get lost in the lie that this will last forever. Hopelessness is dangerous!
  3. Your feelings are real and there is no logic to pain, so don’t try to reason it away.
  4. Talk to others. God sends amazing people into your life. Don’t push them away in the name of independence and strength.
  5. Chose to do good. Be kind. Someone needs the blessing of your presence.
  6. Compassion for others is born in our personal sorrows and failures.  Give your heart some credit and take joy in what you will become.
  7. Rest.  Don’t sulk, or wage emotional warfare against those that have hurt you, but rather, seek respite to restore and strengthen yourself in a healthy and appropriate way.

Cute quotes and sayings that patronize deep emotional issues are not the meat and potatoes feast your soul is seeking. Stay in God’s Word. It is His voice and He will speak.  God doesn’t chose the strongest to suffer the most because they can handle it. Facing down the gates of hell is something everyone will come to at one time or another. The outcome is your choice and is determined by who you take with you to win. Take Jesus (and a few of His friends)! He’s already won that battle!

One last thought:  Good lives don’t just happen. They are purposely built by the inhabitants. Reckless words and toxic things effect impulsive thoughts and responses.  Be careful and clean the corners of your heart often.



Saturday, February 3, 2018

There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from His own work, just as God did from His. Hebrews 4:9-10

There was a mass exodus, thousands departed slavery and headed toward the promise of rest. God led Moses, Moses led the people.  Along the way God gave this new nation boundaries for successful national and interpersonal living.  Obedience was a problem and the great cost was the forfeit of rest. 

The Promised Land was a gift, a place secured by God for His chosen nation. The audience of this letter, Hebrews, knew an entire generation of those led by Moses did not reach God’s rest. Like those sojourners of old, these Christians had seen the miraculous power of God, but seeing isn’t doing, and failure to trust and obey would cost them too.

When God put linear time into creation He planned rest.  Set apart from six twenty-four hour days, day seven is for the nurture of an intimate relationship between you and your Creator/Redeemer.  Not only does God say to take your rest, but we must grant rest to all others.  In turn, no one has the right to rob your rest on this Holy Day of Sabbath.  Take your rest, it is God’s gift, and His command.

Happy Sabbath Eve,


Friday, February 2, 2018

Then He called the crowd to Him along with His disciples and said: “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” Mark 8:34

For over two years Jesus’ disciples traveled with Him and watched as He served, loved and healed the world’s broken.  They have seen Jesus’ miraculous power and know that He is the Son of God, but the time has come for Jesus to complete His mission, to die and rise again, removing every threat against man’s soul. 

It’s time to prepare those who follow Jesus for what is to come. Jesus speaks of the cross for the first time. This cross takes a living breathing mortal and exchanges it for a Savior. We have a cross too. In it we lose our lives to this world and find the spirit of hope, victory and eternal life. 

Obedience to man’s laws and traditions will not do what the cross did. Jesus surrendered Himself to the cross. To deny one’s self is to put others first! All that God created us to be is found in the example of our Savior….He loved until He died of it.



Thursday, February 1, 2017

Since the children have flesh and blood, He too shared in their humanity so that by His death He might destroy him who holds the power of death, that is, the devil, and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death. Hebrews 2:14-15

Christ became one with man, sharing in our temptations, sorrows, joys………..even the pain of death. His objective? To destroy the devil’s power over us.  Sin separates us from God and satan loves an isolated victim. When cut off from hope, complete control, bondage and eventually, total destruction is an easy feat. Jesus came to close the space between God and man, drawing us near and breaking sin’s grasp. When He died and rose again, death became irrelevant.  He is not dead and neither will we be.

Here on earth, we have strength and resource to overcome our demons because Jesus, not the devil had the final word……life!  As for eternity? Satan will continue to be the prince of darkness while we join Jesus in Heaven’s glory. 

We can become like Jesus because Jesus took on our nature to prepare the way to God’s glory.  The immediacy is something to get excited about because eternal life begins the moment your faith takes you to God’s throne for forgiveness and reconciliation.

Have a Great Thursday and please pray for Piper,


If you Facebook you may search Pray for Piper to get details. This is a member of my family and our united prayer is that God glorifies Himself in Piper’s heart and that her small body will be healed.