Tuesday, December 26, 2017

“Sovereign LORD, as You have promised, You may now dismiss your servant in peace. For my eyes have seen Your salvation.” Luke 2:29-30

Levitical Law required that the Baby Jesus be presented at the temple with a sacrifice of either a lamb, a pigeon or a pair of doves, thirty three days after His birth. Mary and Joseph offered the least of these three options, therefore revealing that they were humble, poor people. Jesus left the limitless riches of Heaven to live among earth’s most deprived and needy population.

A righteous and devout man named Simeon was filled with the Holy Spirit and had been assured by God that he would not die before he had seen the Lord’s Christ. Moved by the Spirit, he went into the temple courts on the day of Jesus’ consecration. When he saw the baby Jesus he knew Him and praised God. (verses 29-32) Simeon recognized this Holy Child as the fulfillment of God’s saving purpose for the entire world.

God didn’t sneak Jesus onto the earth. There was much celebration and fanfare all throughout the event. He revealed His news with those willing to share in the beginning of a love that conquers every demon and foe the world will ever know. Like Simeon and all the others that saw the face of God, we too will know peace when we seek and find His Face.



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