Monday, November 27, 2017

For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through Him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God. 2 Corinthians 1:20

Paul establishes a church in the Corinth, a very modern, metropolitan Greek city with a strong culture of pagan worship that included casual, sexual immorality. Membership of this congregation ranged from slaves to upwardly mobile businessmen. A major crisis arose when converts wanted the blessing of salvation, yet clung tightly to the convenience and fun of loose living. Paul addressed the issues of division that sin caused and then wrote the letter we call I Corinthians. He continued his missionary journey through Asia but waited anxiously for news of this group of new believers that he loved so deeply. In the mean time this former persecutor became the persecuted and lived through many tribulations including a near death experience.

News arrives that the Corinthian church has listened to Paul’s counsel and returned to holiness. Paul is of course relieved and thrilled. He plans to visit but first writes them a letter known as II Corinthians. He tells of God’s comfort through all his trials that ultimately led him to greater understanding and compassion for others. He also addresses the question of integrity and constancy that came into question by nefarious leaders seeking personal power rather than true ministry. This constancy is seen through God’s fulfillment of His promises through His Son Jesus the Christ. The church has stability because God is unchanging, He is YES to all He said He would do and we, through faith are the completion, the Amen, of God’s purpose and great love.

God’s truth and mercy endure forever, His plan is and always has been the same…… for you and me to have eternal life!

To God Be the Glory,


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