Friday, November 24, 2017

In God I trust and am not afraid. What can man do to me? Psalm 56:11

This song was written by David when the Philistines had captured him in Gath. The accounts of David’s captivities in I Samuel do not mention this event, but David’s words give a vivid picture of his thoughts, anxiousness and response to his dire situation and God’s saving power.

David’s emotions have overwhelmed him, his efforts are futile UNTIL, he remembers “When I am afraid I put my trust in You!” Verse 3.

I am stepping away from commentary for a moment and giving direct statement: Satan’s greatest weapon is this, “If you had sought God’s counsel when you should have then you wouldn’t be in this mess now.” Perhaps satan is correct. In David’s case there is not enough evidence to make that judgement and it isn’t my place anyway. It is also true that often, no one is to blame for life’s tragic events, a sinful world begets grief. What is correct is that satan’s opinion (or anyone else’s) does not bind God’s hands/power when we call to Him and rest in His arms. Satan and his gifts of shame and guilt (don’t confuse these with humility) will hobble your run to the Throne of God. Find the same victory that David did. Do not be afraid, trust God!

There is no Black Friday in the Sonshine, 🙂


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