Wednesday, November 22, 2017

For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body-whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free-and we were all given the one Spirit to drink.
I Corinthians 12:13

The early church grew quickly. The apostles, the original missionaries, were spread thin. God used the miraculous moving of the Holy Spirit in the place of unavailable manpower. Speaking in tongues is one example of God giving a power to one person when no one was available to deliver the Gospel in a manner understood by the audience. God gave Spiritual Gifts, but these gifts were soon seized upon by the unscrupulous for the purpose of perpetuating selfish hidden agendas for those seeking celebrity. Disorder, abuse and hurt resulted. Paul calls these early believers to unity rather than uniformity because so many early Christians honored some gifts above others.

In the wonder of God’s creation every human is woven together with unique qualities and abilities. Each person is very much the same but extremely different in the complexities of individuality. Such is the same for spiritual gifts. They are specific to the need of a hungry world and man’s need to serve the Kingdom of Heaven. All designed perfectly by God, for God in the image of God.

The power we draw comes from one source, the Holy Spirit. Our salvation and baptism are by the blood of Jesus Christ. It is universal and timeless. We cannot sort and rank ourselves according to man’s value because we are the Body of Christ, the Church.

To be wholly loving, transparent, lacking in prejudice and envy, and humbly willing to answer The Call in any manner is only possible through the Spirit of God. It is miraculous. So if you’re looking for a miracle, step into the center of God’s will and you will find it.



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