Thursday, July 27, 2017

Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you. I Peter 5:7

Anxiety is birthed in the vacuum of the great unknown, an incredibly frightening place.

Peter wrote to Christians scattered across the Roman Empire at the outbreak of Nero’s savage reign. Most major cites of the time had colonies of Hellenistic Jews, Jews that lived outside Palestine. These expatriate people were the focus of early missionary work, the Gospel spread and Christianity became strongly rooted, but prejudice and persecution soon followed. They had reason to worry.

The supreme goal of all Christians is to follow Christ. By faith we know that the One who created the universe knows all and controls all for those who have relinquished their will to His. To follow means recognizing that just before our feet fall and propel us one step forward, God has already arrived. He is there.

Casting is not placing an item gently atop a target, but rather, deliberately throwing an object far away. Peter encourages His readers to get rid of your anxieties by chunking them right into God’s great hands. What becomes of them? Does God toss them back? No, He doesn’t need them and they only hurt you, ………..God’s disposal method doesn’t matter? He cares for you, they aren’t your problem any longer.

Warming Up in the Bull Pen,


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