Sunday Stories, July 23, 2017

I Rest My Faith

Many years ago I entered the wonderful world of Children’s Ministry. It is one of the most fulfilling experiences any person could ever hope to have. Through the years my Bible students have asked many deep and theological questions. Some I was prepared to answer, others challenged me to a deeper study and higher knowledge of God’s omnipotence, love and mighty power. But it is the parents, whom I dearly love, that have asked the same consistent questions as they decide whether I am worthy to join their team in the spiritual development of their children and family. I am always honored to give my honest, heartfelt answer and after several days in the wilderness of Southwest Colorado’s San Juan mountains, I have once again reflected on the responses I give to these questions.

The most often asked question number one is, “Do you believe the Biblical account of creation that says the world is six thousand years old, or do you believe the earth is millions of years old as science indicates?” My answer is “Yes!” God is the author of time, He created everything from nothing. If God made it look millions of years old when it is not, or if indeed it was billions and billions of years ago when He separated the Heavens from the earth, it does not matter. My faith does not rest on a timeline.

Isaiah 40:28 states that The LORD is the Creator of the ends of the earth however the mystery of it came about. He never grows tired and has an understanding no one can fathom. Isaiah 9:6 gives many names to the coming Savior who is the Son of God, and One with God: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Prince of Peace, Everlasting Father. God is full of wonder. He is not threatened by a child that ponders. We understand that God has no need of the physical restoration such as sleep and nutrition, but to say He will never grow weary or tired extends to a countenance of patience toward the child that perpetually questions everything. In fact, I think God endorses a mind that is busy with the marvels of the world around, for knowledge and forward movement begin with inquiry.

Most often asked question number two: “Do you believe life exists beyond earth?” Well, there are a great many definitions to life, from organisms with no moral awareness, to other human races? I do not know, but again, my faith simply does not rest here. If there is life beyond our known world, then God created it/ them and has a plan of redemption and salvation there also. He is the one and only God of all that exists and He is Love.

There is one question I would like the answer that I don’t get asked often enough. “Where does your faith rest?” Thanks for asking, I’d love to share. My faith rests in this alone: God gave His only Son, Jesus Christ, to die for my sins because He loves me. Jesus was unjustly and falsely convicted, executed, dead and buried, and on a beautiful Sunday morning the the spring of the year, He rose from the grave, breaking all power of death for those who will believe…… and that’s me.

Someday I will exist in a place where time doesn’t exist and unanswered questions will not matter, but I know the things I wonder about will be revealed to their fullest and trust me, I have a list of questions. As a school teacher, the ‘why’ of head lice is way further up the list than the eons it took for water to percolate through earth’s crust and make a cavern.

I encourage you to keep asking questions. I have faith that your search will end as mine did, at the Throne of God.

Wandering and Wondering,


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