Tuesday, June 27, 2017

It would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than to have known it and then to turn their backs on the sacred command that was passed on the them. II Peter 2:21

What does God despise? The false prophet, the arrogant, depraved human who disguises themselves as loving and helpful only to destroy what God has given.

Peter the apostle is forewarning his listeners that false teachers have already disrupted other Christian groups. Be ready. These people are anti-authority and respect no one. They leave paths of pain and dysfunction. Greed and blasphemy are two strong characteristics of those who walk in darkness but speak of their light. Their gain comes at great cost to others, yet they feel nothing. Their assured future is worse than anything we can imagine. Justice will come for them.

The active work of God leaves healing, comfort, wisdom and strength. He does not tease us with hope and then hide His face, but we must seek Him. Then He will lead us in well lit paths of righteousness.



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