Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die.” John 11: 25

The Jews in Judea were seeking to kill Jesus. The Jewish establishment was growing very uncomfortable with Jesus’ message and growing popularity. Then, Jesus learns that his very good friend Lazarus, from Bethany, a town in Judea, has become ill. Lazarus’ sisters send for Jesus. Jesus’ disciples advise against this due to the current political climate surrounding Him.

In verse 4 of this passage Jesus said, “This sickness will not end in death.” The disciples thought He meant the illness wasn’t terminal. In verse 11 He says, “I am going there to wake him up.” The disciples argued that if he was only sleeping why bother to go at all? Jesus bluntly told them, “He’s dead.” (verse 14) So the disciples decide that if Jesus is insistent on going, He will not go alone.

The continuing story tells of the sister’s grief and many who have gathered to comfort them. Jesus tells Martha, Lazarus will rise again and Martha agrees that indeed he will resurrect in the last days. Then Jesus spoke the beautiful words above! Jesus is the resurrection today! Not ages from now, today!

Not one of the characters in this story could imagine the terror of the coming days. In just a few weeks Jesus would be crucified. He did not want to leave His friends and followers with no hope, not even for three scary days. Lazarus was the opportunity to show that death did not have the last word.

We often live as though Jesus is the resurrection and the death. STOP! Jesus said, “ I am, The Resurrection and The Life!”

Have a wonderful Wednesday!


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