Monday, November 28, 2016

So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep, but let us be awake and sober. I Thessalonians 5:6

Thessalonica was a prosperous city along a major east/west trade route with a thriving seaport. Today its ruins are buried beneath modern day Thessaloniki, Greece, the second largest city after Athens. Paul and his fellow missionaries, Timothy and Silas, were not well received as they spread the good news and founded a church. They were run out of town, but Timothy and Silas were able to find news of the fledgling church and brought it to Paul who then wrote the two letters, I and II Thessalonians.

These words tell of our hope in Christ’s return to take believers who have remained ready and watchful. I encourage you to read the entire chapter. This type of scripture is called eschatology. It is meant to inform and prepare Christians what will happen at the end of this age and in the age to come, grounding them in the hope of eternity with their Savior.

Eternity is a very overwhelming but inevitable. These words were give assurance and encouragement to persevere with faithfulness to the end of human life because that is just the beginning. The best is yet to come.

Have a perfect Monday!



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