Monday October 24, 2016

Then from Heaven Your dwelling place, hear their prayer and their plea, and uphold their case. I Kings 8:49

As part of the dedication of the Jerusalem Temple, the first permanent House of Worship to the One True God, Solomon spoke these words. The request is very simple: Let this physical building be a symbol of Your long enduring patience with a human race that can’t seem to keep their eyes and hearts on You alone.

I am a steeple watcher. I was fortunate to travel to Europe several years ago. The trip involved touring many cathedrals and basilicas. Their magnificent size and beauty was indeed breath taking. Every town, even the smallest had a chapel at its center with sky scraping spires drawing the weary toward hope. So why did these walls cast a shadow on a lost world?

In America we have churches on every corner in every shape and size easily accessible to everyone. Yet, the world doesn’t come. That’s okay, because the building isn’t the sum of what God can or will do. You’ll find that in the glorious cross atop those ornate pinnacles, those spires drawing you toward the One True God.

Raise your face to the Son/sun today and you’ll probably see a steeple or two. Let each one you pass remind you that God still choses to dwell among us hearing our plea and upholding our case. Oh! What a wonderful promise.



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