Thursday September 8, 2016

I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that the gospel I preached is not of human origin. Galatians 1:11

These are the words of Paul to the churches in the Roman province of Galatia.

The early church had no written Gospel, they had the revelations of the Apostles, so they were dependent on word of mouth and letter writing. Many false prophets wanted a piece of the action in this new fad called Christianity. It took very little time for personal agendas and the chance of turning a ‘dollar’ to distract the eager and unsuspecting believer. Hey, it happens today too!

Paul was aggressive in testifying of his encounter with God, his perseverance for the Gospel and his passion that everyone hear and accept the Good News. His message follows and is still the most important thing anyone can hear and accept today:

1. The God of Israel is the true and living God, always has been, always will be.
2. He alone saves people from their sins and is worthy of worship.
3. Jesus, God’s Son is our Savior.
4. This Salvation is free to everyone who will receive it.

Have a Great Thursday!!!


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