Friday, August 12, 2016

Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13 NIV

This verse is commonly used to memorialize civil servants and military that have paid the ultimate price for our freedom and peace, and rightly done. Except, this passage of scripture says nothing about the life given coming to an end. Jesus is emboldening His disciples to love one another, to make love their priority however long life will last.

To lay down our lives for others is to set ourselves aside and put others first, to love others so much that our own feelings, emotions, objectives become shadowed by a world that needs our grace. I’ve often used the slang phrase, “Cut me some slack.” In other words, “I need your grace, please look beyond my carnal instinct and behavior and forgive me.” I need the grace of my family, colleagues and friends daily. When they set aside their natural reaction to my mistakes or misspoken words and return kindness and camaraderie, they have set aside their life for the sake of mine. They put me first when I don’t deserve it but need it in great proportions. Kindness, goodness, perseverance, self-control…….these things are sacrifices that we can offer in our daily walk and the world really could use it.

Christ loves us so much that His comforts, His very life meant nothing in the battle for our eternal life. He put us first. We must lay down our lives for our friends and put them first daily.

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