Tuesday August 9, 2016

“Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.” Matthew 6:10 NIV

These very familiar words are taken from Jesus’ prayer that is actually part of His ‘epic’ Sermon on the Mount. They are a request, ‘On earth as it is in Heaven!” That’s a pretty tall order if you ask me. Was Jesus’ just waxing poetic or was He serious?

These things I know: God is Holy. God dwells in Heaven…. Holiness is the absence of sin…. Heaven is Holy so there is no sin there…..God will not dwell in the presence of sin….SO….if Jesus said to pray, “On earth as it is in Heaven,” then Heavenly things are possible for us on earth. Really, Jesus said to pray in this manner, vs 9.

Now ask yourself, “What in Heaven do I long for on earth?” (Be reasonable and know that those loved ones really don’t want to leave there and come back here.) I long for God’s power and Holiness to dwell within me on earth just a boldly as I know it will when my address is Heaven. I can’t create a Holy earth, but I can pray for a Holy me on earth. The essence of Heaven is that God fills that space with His love and Holiness. Today I ask that God fill me, my space, with His love and Holiness and my heart will be ‘On earth as it is in Heaven.”

2 thoughts on “Tuesday August 9, 2016”

  1. I long to Know His will and to see things more clearly.
    Everyone here claims to know, but no one agrees on anything.
    When we are changed, in the twinkling of an eye, things will be made clear. Right now I cannot even imagine being able to gaze at our Holy God. I bet it will be a glorious sight.

    1. I know exactly. I long for that clarity! But I trust that while I am here God will grant me His eyes and ears and heart so that I can use my hand and feet to do His will. Thank you so much for reading my blog. I hope it will strengthen and encourage you sometimes. AND I would love for you to guest write sometime for me.

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