Tuesday, December 8, 2020

The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms. He will drive out your enemies before you, saying ‘Destroy them!” Deuteronomy 33:27

Moses was at the end of his life.  From Pisgah, the highest peak of Mount Nebo, he could see the Promised Land, but he would not set foot in it.  Joshua would lead the people home, but first, Moses would speak his final chapter. He was addressing these words to the twelve tribes of Israel, but also to the ages and that includes me and you. 

God’s covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob/Israel was that through the nation of Israel all nations would be blessed.  This passage is specifically to Israel, but through the Blood of Jesus, of the House of David, of the Tribe of Judah, we are heirs to this Kingdom.  What God did for them He will do for us. He’s THAT kind of God!

He is our refuge, our protection from danger, our absolute security and comfort.  The victory has been settled so run, jump and snuggle down into the eternal, everlasting, never changing arms of God. 

Have a Wonderful Tuesday,


Monday, December 7, 2020

So that having been justified by His grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life.Titus 3:7

The letter to Titus is called a Pastoral Epistle. Titus was a Greek/gentile convert of Paul’s who submitted to circumcision, a Jewish law, even though Paul said it was not necessary to achieve mercy and grace. Paul wrote this letter to Titus, who was in Crete, advising, him as he oversaw other pastors of the early church.

Titus’ task was to bring those who had salvation into a life worthy of The One who gave His life for theirs without getting tied up in works verses grace. We are not saved by our own works, but our works must reflect God’s image and His work in our life.

The word ‘justified’ comes from the word just and its cousin justice. In a court of law, justice is found when all facts have been given and truth has been discerned. The judge then declares what is just and seals it forever with the slam of his gavel. God’s justice is grace, a ‘free from sin because I said so,’ defense! God has declared us NOT GUILTY and ends all debate with His seal, the Blood of Jesus. Why? Because He chooses to.

The Cretans were a tough crowd. They were famous for taking the truth and making a mess of it, but this one thing Paul wanted them to understand! Faith alone brings about salvation, but our behavior afterwards is living proof of where our faith has taken us.



Saturday, December 5, 2020

For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through Him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God. 2 Corinthians 1:20

Paul establishes a church in the Corinth, a very modern, metropolitan Greek city with a strong culture of pagan worship that included casual, sexual immorality.  Membership of this congregation ranged from slaves to upwardly mobile businessmen.  A major crisis arose when converts wanted the blessing of salvation, yet clung tightly to the convenience and fun of loose living. Paul addressed the issues of division that sin caused and then wrote the letter we call I Corinthians. He continued his missionary journey through Asia but waited anxiously for news of this group of new believers that he loved so deeply. In the mean time this former persecutor became the persecuted and lived through many tribulations including a near death experience.

News arrives that the Corinthian church has listened to Paul’s counsel and returned to holiness. Paul is of course relieved and thrilled. He plans to visit but first writes them a letter known as II Corinthians. He tells of God’s comfort through all his trials that ultimately led him to greater understanding and compassion for others. He also addresses the question of integrity and constancy that came into question by nefarious leaders seeking personal power rather than true ministry. This constancy is seen through God’s fulfillment of His promises through His Son Jesus, the Christ. The church has stability because God is unchanging, He is YES to all He said He would do and we, through faith are the completion, the Amen, of God’s purpose and great love. 

God’s truth and mercy endure forever, His plan is and always has been the same…… for you and me.……….eternal life!

To God Be the Glory,


Friday, December 4, 2020

For this is what the LORD says, He who created the Heavens, He is God; He who fashioned and made the earth, He founded it; He did not create it to be empty, but formed it to be inhabited. He says: “I am the LORD and there is no other.”  Isaiah 45:18  I strongly recommend you read the entire chapter.

Isaiah is delivering God’s declaration of who He is, God! And He actually says, “Don’t mess with me!”  (Paraphrased verse 9) But it is beautiful!  It isn’t just God’s authority that is pronounced, He specifically tells the purposefulness in His creation and gives detail to the future. King Cyrus’ (verse 1) days are 150 years to the future.  

According to Robert Mogan, author of a devotional book, Then Sings My Soul, a poem by Swedish Minister Carl Boberg, written in 1885 was inspired by Isaiah chapter 45.  It was set to a melody and traveled around the world, withstood a few revisions and additions before ending up in the hands of George Beverly Shea, musical director for the Billy Graham Crusades. In 1957 George sang this worship song in New York City. The hymn…..HOW GREAT THOU ART!

Have a Blessed Weekend Eve,


Thursday, December 3, 2020

In God I trust and am not afraid. What can man do to me? Psalm 56:11

This song was written by David when the Philistines had captured him in Gath.  The accounts of David’s captivities in I Samuel do not mention this event, but David’s words give a vivid picture of his thoughts, anxiousness and response to his dire situation and God’s saving power. 

David’s emotions have overwhelmed him, his efforts are futile UNTIL, he remembers “When I am afraid I put my trust in You!” Verse 3.

I am stepping away from commentary for a moment and giving direct opinion:  One of satan’s greatest weapons is this, “If you had sought God’s counsel when you should have then you wouldn’t be in this mess now.” Perhaps satan is correct. In David’s case there is not enough evidence to make that judgement and it isn’t my place anyway. It is also true that often, no one is to blame for life’s tragic events, a sinful world begets grief. What is correct is that satan’s opinion (or anyone else’s) does not bind God’s hands/power when we call to Him and rest in His arms. Satan and his gifts of shame and guilt (don’t confuse these with humility) will hobble your run to the Throne of God.  Find the same victory that David did. Do not be afraid, trust God!

Basking in the Sonshine, 🙂


Wednesday, December 2, 2020

For it is written: “Be Holy, because I am Holy.” I Peter 1:16

It would not be commanded of us if it were not possible.  Yes, we suffer and face persecution but those things strengthen and validate our faith.

We are called to represent the life and standards of the One who left Heaven’s perfect peace and suffered a horrendous, cruel death so that we could have life eternal.

God does not use unattainable expectations to toy with our lives.  He is good, wise and powerful.  If He asks it, He provides it. He is Holy, therefore, as His heirs, we can be also.



Tuesday, December 1, 2020

For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body-whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free-and we were all given the one Spirit to drink.
I Corinthians 12:13

The early church grew quickly. The apostles, the original missionaries, were spread thin. God used the miraculous moving of the Holy Spirit in the place of unavailable manpower. Speaking in tongues is one example of God giving a power to one person when no one was available to deliver the Gospel in a manner understood by the audience. God gave Spiritual Gifts, but these gifts were soon seized upon by the unscrupulous for the purpose of perpetuating selfish, hidden agendas for those seeking celebrity. Disorder, abuse and hurt resulted. Paul calls these early believers to unity rather than uniformity because, so many early Christians wanted to be ‘equal’, and have same gifts, but new and improved.

In the wonder of God’s creation, every human is woven together with unique qualities and abilities. Each person is very much the same but extremely different in the complexities of individuality. Such is the same for spiritual gifts. They are specific to the need of a hungry world and man’s need to serve the Kingdom of Heaven…… All designed perfectly by God, for God, in the image of God.

The power we draw comes from one source, the Holy Spirit. Our salvation and baptism are by the blood of Jesus Christ. It is universal and timeless. We cannot sort and rank ourselves according to man’s value because we are the Body of Christ, the Church.

To be wholly loving, transparent, lacking in prejudice and envy, and humbly willing to answer The Call in any manner is only possible through the Spirit of God. It is miraculous. So if you’re looking for a miracle, step in to the center of God’s will and you will find it.

