Tuesday, October 21, 2020

He had a dream in which he saw a stairway resting on the earth, with its top reaching to heaven, and the angels of God were ascending and descending on it. Genesis 28:12

Man’s failure does not alter God’s covenant promises.

Jacob had to flee his ancestral home, never to see his mother Rebecca again, as a consequence for manipulating his father Isaac and brother Esau and tricking them out of Esau’s birthright. He was headed to Paddan Aram to live with his mother’s brother Laban. In a moment of total loneliness, God comes and stands beside Jacob and affirms the covenant made to Jacob’s grandfather Abraham. I will bring you back, and give you this land for your descendants, who will be like the dust of the earth. (28:13-14)

This dream introduces Jacob to a new way of life…….. trusting a future that was hidden in the promise of God. The stairway represents a bridge between Heaven and earth, set by God and kept by Him. Jacob will continue the family line from which Jesus will come.

God cannot be taken for granted and being part of God’s plan does not guarantee that man will be saved. Man’s lack of faith and character will never amend or obstruct God’s plan of salvation for you.

Happy Tuesday,


Monday, October 19, 2020

All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away. John 6:37

It was the season of Passover, the year before Jesus was crucified. The roads were full with multitudes of travelers on their way to Jerusalem for the holiday. Jesus would not be joining them because there was already a plot to kill Him. Instead, He would celebrate this Holy time by feeding 5000+ people.

Jesus spent a great deal of time ministering to men’s physical needs. He still does, but His mission is to save men’s souls. After seeing Jesus’ miracles, many men followed Him, but wanted Him to be their earthly king and bring about a social order in which they could get their bread without working. When they realized that wasn’t what Jesus was about, they chose to go another way and stopped following Jesus.

Jesus offers a bread that will give life beyond the physical need. How does one access this gift? You come…. as you are….. today…..broken, tired, anxious, alone, bitter…..and you accept Jesus, the Christ, the Son of God, as your Savior.



Saturday, October 17, 2020

For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. I Corinthians 3:11

The Epistle books of the Bible are personal letters written to specific groups of people addressing their exact needs as it pertains to discipleship and the social issues they face in their maturing salvation relationships with God and each other. Corinth, due to its place on both land and sea trade routes, was a very diverse city. The church had no building, so they met in homes. This lent itself to factions in the community of believers because they naturally segregated themselves according to language, cultural preference and natural friendships, creating a breeding ground for fracturing relationships among young Christians. Pretty soon the focus of worship and spiritual growth was on man rather than The Savior, Jesus Christ. The church sent a delegation to visit Paul while he was in Ephesus. These are words he wrote back to the church he had established and the people he loved.

Christianity is based on one thing only! God gave His Son out of unconditional love for you. That Son gave His life out of unconditional love for you, so that you may have life ever lasting, beginning today! This alone is the firm foundation on which the church is built!

Man did not create the church, God did. It is a place of worship, a time to set aside the world and focus on the One who loves us perfectly in all our imperfections.

Standing on Solid Ground,


Friday, October 16, 2020

The LORD makes firm the steps of the one who delights in Him. Psalm 37:23

This well loved Psalm is an acrostic poem, with each section beginning with a letter of the Hebrew alphabet. It is a collection of proverbial sayings from wisdom writers.

We live in a world where wickedness is prevalent at every turn. It is discouraging and joy draining. This Psalm of David speaks words for victory over our questions of “Why?” and “How long must we?” Throughout its forty verses David advises, trust, take delight, commit, be still and know, wait patiently, refrain from anger. When fretting is the active verb that defines us, evil is nipping at our heals.

From man’s perspective it looks like those that flagrantly disobey God prosper……A LOT!…. but…..The LORD laughs at the wicked because He knows what end is coming for them and their power will be broken.

Never give up on doing good. There is no law against kindness. It is the great antidote for evil. The end result will be firm steps here on earth and life everlasting.

Happy Weekend’s Eve!


Thursday, October 15, 2020

No king is saved by the size of his army; no warrior escapes by his great strength. Psalm 33:16

I love the Psalms. I encourage you to read the thirty-third. It is a song of praise given in thanks for new joys and assurances found along life’s journey. The Psalmist stands in awe of God for who He is, the Almighty, who is never thwarted or intimidated by man’s actions.

God is sovereign, He does not bow to man. The world teaches that hard work will reap great benefit, so we labor beyond our resources grasping to acquire peace and security. Where do those most treasured things originate and endure? From the Father who offers unfailing care to all who honor him.

Happy Thursday,


Wednesday, October 14, 2020

The apostles said to the LORD, “Increase our faith!” He replied, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it will obey you.” Luke 17:5-6

Jesus is teaching His disciples the consequences of hindering someone. They must lead in a world full of distractions and temptations. THEY must love a love that perseveres with forgiveness and kindness. These men who had journeyed many miles with Jesus felt overwhelmed and unqualified for such a high calling. For this reason, they ask Jesus to grant them more faith.

Faith’s power is not in its quantity. Because faith is our connecting point to God, it is infinite. It cannot be measured by man’s definitions. A boundless supply with the power to move mountains occurs in the simplest act of trust and obedience.

These men had seen Jesus perform many miracles. They experienced His love and compassion in person. They know the magnitude of what He does and understand what they must do, but Jesus assures them, a little faith in action is all you need, God will do the rest.



Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under his wings. Day and night they never stop saying “Holy, Holy, Holy is the LORD God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come.” Revelation 4:8

Apocalyptic writings were written in times of crisis to encourage people to look at the big picture. This book was written during a time of terror when the worship of the Roman emperor became obligatory. The early Christians waited eagerly for Christ’s return but, as time passed and struggles increased, doubt was a serious temptation. John’s visions were to encourage, instruct, strengthen and inspire.

Chapter 4 turns from earth to Heaven. The first three chapters deal with struggling churches, but now John sees the Throne of God, the absolute center of the universe! The four creatures singing represent the whole of creation. God is Holy, without sin. He is our LORD Almighty. There is none that compares. He is in the present exactly as He was at the beginning of time, and He will forever be.

Here’s the big picture, the little picture and everything in between. God is Love, perfect love. He created you on purpose and you are loved……by the creator of the universe……by the center of the universe.

Have a great day,


Monday, October 12, 2020

Do not gloat over me, my enemy! Though I have fallen, I will rise. Though I sit in darkness, the LORD will be my light. Micah 7:8

Micah a prophet of the 8th century BC speaks of God’s judgment against Samaria, Israel’s capitol and Jerusalem, Judah’s capitol. He denounced money-grabbing rulers, priests and prophets and the exploitation of the helpless. There was rampant dishonesty in business and a great deal of sham religion by people bent on social climbing rather than true worship. These sins meant destruction but in the aftermath of destruction comes the promise of restoration, God’s specialty.

When sin is the normal order of life, healthy relationships are impossible. Buildings may crumble, but the emotional and spiritual erosion of humanity is the high cost of worldly gain. A consequence of disobedience is shame, but when your hope is in the LORD a light comes to cast away the shadows of sin’s sorrow.

Corporately, Israel and Judah failed until there was only a remnant left to seek God’s will and glory. In that state of destitute darkness came a Holy Infant, the Light of the World.

Basking in the Son,


Friday, October 16, 2020

The LORD makes firm the steps of the one who delights in Him. Psalm 37:23

This well loved Psalm is an acrostic poem, with each section beginning with a letter of the Hebrew alphabet. It is a collection of proverbial sayings from wisdom writers.

We live in a world where wickedness is prevalent at every turn. It is discouraging and joy draining. This Psalm of David speaks words for victory over our questions of “Why?” and “How long must we?” Throughout its forty verses David advises, trust, take delight, commit, be still and know, wait patiently, refrain from anger. When fretting is the active verb that defines us, evil is nipping at our heals.

From man’s perspective it looks like those that flagrantly disobey God prosper……A LOT!…. but…..The LORD laughs at the wicked because He knows what end is coming for them and their power will be broken.

Never give up on doing good. There is no law against kindness. It is the great antidote for evil. The end result will be firm steps here on earth and life everlasting.

Happy Weekend’s Eve!


Saturday, October 10, 2020

Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me. Matthew 16:24

Salvation is free. Discipleship is costly.

The Pharisees, now joined by another groups of Jewish leaders, the Sadducees, continue to follow Jesus’ every movement and action, sifting it through their educated knowledge and failing to see His connection to Heaven. The great obstacle was their preconceived notions and sense of entitlement in relation to their Jewish heritage. They sought personal justice and power, man’s agenda, NOT God’s. I will add here that the Pharisees and the Sadducees had very little common theological ground. They were simply unified in their resistance to Jesus as the Son of God, the Christ.

Jesus knew His earthly life was coming to a close. He alone understood and saw what lay before Him and His beloved friends. His disciples recognize Him as He is, the Savior, but they have no inkling of the cost He and they are about to pay. Jesus will give up His flesh to establish His Kingdom on earth in the hearts of man. His disciples will also be called to give up all rights to their flesh as citizens of this Kingdom. Just as Jesus’ cross took His life, they must voluntarily lived crucified to this world.

The cross we bear is our sacrifice to the allure of this world in exchange for the things of Heaven. We are missionaries in a foreign land, although we are only in our own back yard.

