Monday, July 1, 2019

Those who had been scattered preached the Word wherever they went.  Acts 8:4 (Acts 8-9:31)

The church was probably a year to two years old when Stephen was stoned. This single act unleashed vicious and severe persecution of believers, many of whom remained in Jerusalem following Pentecost to worship and learn from Christ’s apostles. Jewish authority may have been jealous of the fellowship, angered by loss of power and influence or simply felt annoyance toward an inconvenient Truth, but all realities combined created an extremely dangerous atmosphere in Jerusalem.

This horror did nothing but bring blessing. The early church scattered for their own safety, but they did not halt their testimonies as was expected. They carried the Gospel throughout the known world. The Apostles were too popular and well known to persecute, so they remained in Jerusalem, with the exception of Philip, who traveled to Samaria and had great success in evangelism. Peter and John later followed and brought the Holy Spirit on the new converts. While traveling, Philip met the treasurer of Ethiopia. This man heard the Good News and was reading Isaiah but needed instruction and insight. Philip was available and as a result, the work of the Church entered the African continent.

There was no greater threat to believers than a pharisee named Saul.  He was wealthy, educated, influential and made it his life’s work to wipe all remembrances of Jesus off the face of the earth. As he left Jerusalem on a quest to imprison and torture those who had escaped, Jesus met him in person and changed the direction of his mission. Ananias was sent to heal Saul’s blindness and bring him into fellowship with other believers. Like them, he was soon a wanted man, but, for the rest of his life he served the Christ he once tried to destroy with a devotion unmatched in human history.

What man meant for evil, God makes a blessing…….. EVERY SINGLE TIME!

