Wednesday, November 21, 2018

“How the mighty have fallen in battle! Jonathan lies slain on your heights.” II Samuel 1:25 (Chapter 1)

Three days after the battle that took the lives of Saul and his two sons, a man from Saul’s camp arrived to inform David of the deaths.  David is grief stricken and leads his followers in appropriate demonstrations of respect and eulogy. David’s poem on the occasion of Saul and Jonathan’s death is one of the most beautiful of his works.

David’s repeated response to Saul’s aggressive and murderous behavior toward him is a model of action rather than reaction.  The conviction that Saul’s life, as king, was sacred, determined David’s choices and maneuvers. He did not react in defense to hatred. Although he would be king, he continued to act/subject himself to a Sovereign LORD, the One True God.

Be driven by noble character and live your life for an audience of One, the Creator and Lover of all things, especially you.

Have a Wonderful Wednesday,


Tuesday, November 20, 2018

David replied, “No, my brothers, you must not do that with what the LORD has given us. He has protected us and handed over to us the forces that came against us.”  I Samuel 30:23 (Chapters 28-31)

David has once again taken refuge among the Philistines. Prince Achish trusted and believed that David had turned against Israel. Other Philistines leaders were not so naive and sent David away from battle. In the mean time, Saul, who is slipping further into desperation, asks a medium to summon Samuel from the ‘other side.’ He would not heed Samuel’s warning when he was delivering God’s direction live, but now he hopes that Samuel will say something to put his mind at rest. Whether it was really Samuel, sent by God, or an apparition or sorts, the incident did not give Saul the control and answers he sought.

It was thought that David was fighting Israel, but instead, he warred against the Amalekites, a people God told Israel to annihilate when they first settled in Canaan. Before David and his men returned home to Ziklag, it was attacked and everyone there was taken captive including David’s two wives. David organized a pursuit, selected some to follow and others to remain with he supplies and rest. Everything that was lost was recovered, but evil men and trouble makers refused to share the spoils of victory. David gave God glory and declared that all will share alike.

Saul’s life comes to a gruesome end. Both of his sons, Abinadab and Jonathan are killed in battle and Saul is wounded. When his armor bearer refused to finish the job of death, Saul falls on his sword and dies. The Philistines took Saul’s body, along with those his sons, mutilated them and placed them in the temples of Dagon and the Ashtoreths. Later, the men of Jabesh Gilead did not forget Saul’s first victory that saved them. They went undercover of darkness, retrieved the bodies and buried their remains.

Throughout  his years of exile, David trusted God for everything, including that which made no logical sense.  He brought honor and integrity to the throne that was first designed to bless all peoples and nations. 

We cannot honor God with questionable behavior.  Just do the right thing and God will take care of the rest.



Monday, November 19, 2018

As the old saying goes, “From evildoers come evil deeds,’so my hand will not touch you.” I Samuel 24:13 (Chapters 21-28)

King Saul failed to submit himself to God’s authority, so God put an end to Saul’s dynasty and Samuel anointed young David.  While David was placed in Saul’s court for a time, Saul soon became jealous of David’s successes forcing him to become a refugee. These chapters are the story of those years in exile. Many of David’s Psalm’s were written during this period.

David and his entire family are outlawed. He must move from place to place, but he gains an army of followers, the poor and down trodden. He flees to the Philistine city of Gath where he feigns madness to disguise himself. He is aided by priests who pay for their loyalty with their lives. Twice, David has the opportunity to take Saul’s life (once while Saul is taking care of his personal digestive business in a cave!) Both times David spares the anointed king’s life, deferring to God’s authority.

These years depict a contrast of two men. One never subjects himself to God’s will, obsessing over vengeance and petty impulses. The other allows God to mold him into a strong and wise leader. David was invited to many fights with Saul, fights he would have won, but he chose to be molded into the leader God wanted him to be, rather than shaped by the circumstances of another’s sin.  He chose right, when no one would have blamed him for the wrong.

God’s will takes patience, perseverance and determination, but the outcome is a life of noble character that brings glory to God

Have a Great Monday,


Sunday Stories, November 18, 2018

As of 3:00 p.m. Friday afternoon, the Holiday season arrived. I am out of school for a week in celebration of God’s faithfulness and bounty.  When I return to my classroom, every human I know will be counting down the days until the famous, red-suited man, makes his appearance.  As for me……..well, the sunny side of the street is somewhere I vacation and, “Bah humbug” is my refrain. The routine of everyday life may threaten another’s sense of adventure, but I like sameness, where life is scripted and predictable. While singing along with Christmas carols, I’m secretly devising ways to rise above the need for hope, and faith. (I know, I know….shame on me.) The demands of the season drag my mind far away from the Reason.

Last Sunday’s sermon from my pastor, Reverend Steve Thrasher, Greenbrier Church of the Nazarene, focused on anxiety and its destructive force over spiritual victory.  I’ve read books, listened to podcasts, retreated with my girlfriends, sought respite in meditation and silence, and I’ve prayed.  Last winter during Lent, I began each morning, before my head lifted off the pillow, with the words, “Give me THIS DAY, my daily bread.” (Matthew 6:11) For forty days I refused to worry about tomorrow’s possible needs and shortfalls. The scales give evidence; I did not go hungry, and I am clothed and comfortably sheltered. When Resurrection Sunday arrived, I had a new habit and God was faithful. He was with me yesterday, so I won’t revisit the past, suspiciously looking for hidden failure, and I won’t step into the place He already is, with an anxious, despairing heart.

When I arose last Sunday morning, my intention was to worship with my family/community of believers. They strengthen me with their love and support as I answer the call God gives each day.  I did not expect to take anything away except the experience of basking in the intimate presence of my LORD. God had other ideas for His high-maintenance servant. Suddenly, passive attention became focused when a familiar voice said, “Anxiety begins when we minimize how great God is.” OUCH! If I minimize God, then I also shrink the power of hope, faith and grace, the very things I seek to bring to a lost world. Pastor Steve continued zinging me with his bulleted list of sermon points, “If we can’t believe that God can and will do more than get us to Heaven, then we are no better than an atheist.” (Stop now and reread the last 24 words.)

Anxiety is a subject that crosses all ethnic, socio-economic, cultural and gender boundaries. Anxiety is serious and must not be ignored. It is real, but it is a false prophet and satan is a liar who seeks to maliciously suck the life out of you.  LISTEN! God does not play cruel jokes.  He loves you above all else and everything He has planned and done, since time began, is for you.

I will begin this week with seven verses, the breath of God, that deliver the message/promise of Life everlasting and Peace on Earth toward all men.  If you would like, check back next week for another list and don’t give up. When God’s your Father, He’s got it, and you’re going to make it.

Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink’ or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air, they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?”

Matthew 6:25-26



Psalm 55:22

John 14:27

Hebrews 13:5-6

Zephaniah 3:17

Matthew 10:28

Psalm 34:4

Revelation 1:17

Saturday, November 17, 2018

And Jonathan made a covenant with David because he loved him as himself. I Samuel 18:3 (Chapters 18-20)

One of the Bible’s most beautiful stories is that of Jonathan and David’s noble friendship.  Jonathan was Saul’s son, next in line to the throne. David would be the next king, because Saul’s house would not stand, but from the moment they met, these two men shared a very special bond. In their covenant making, Jonathan and David exchanged clothes and weapons.  This is symbolic of becoming one.  From afar, Jonathan would be taken for David and likewise, David for Jonathan.  From that moment on, one’s actions effected the other because they were bound by covenant.

This passage of scripture is more than a narration of friendship, it is the continuing story of a dysfunctional Saul who was haunted by jealousy and engaged many efforts to rid the world of the young ‘upstart’ David. On each occasion Jonathan assisted in saving David’s life at extreme inconvenience to himself.

Instinct and chemistry are given much credit in man’s successful, interpersonal relationships, but with David and Jonathan it was the common faith, in a higher purpose, directed by an Almighty, One True God. The natural course of events would demand all of Saul’s family be annihilated to assure David an undisputed throne, but again, God had other plans for two men who gave each other an untainted allegiance. Watch for their continuing saga in God’s love story of Grace and Mercy.



Friday, November 16, 2018

“The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” I Samuel 16:7b (Chapter 16-17) 

Although Saul’s reign lasted forty years, his dynasty was doomed early on, a result of his personal arrogance. Samuel was told to return to Bethlehem and anoint a new king who was the youngest son of Jesse, a shepherd boy from the tribe of Judah, named David. 

David, the newly anointed monarch, was a musician. The same lilting tunes that calmed his flock, also soothed a restless Saul. And so, David was brought into the workings of Israel’s government where his education on ruling began. Saul liked David so much he was appointed armor-bearer. It was no fluke of fate that a future, warrior king was now learning at the feet of Israel’s military leader. Finally, the Philistines were waging war against Israel. Already adept at refining metals, particularly bronze, their weapons were superior. Adding to this advantage was an armored giant, Goliath. Everyone, including Saul, was very scared. David, sent to the battlefield with food for his brothers, saw the situation and realized he had the solution.  This mighty Philistine was no greater threat than a lion or bear after a sheep and David was swift and accurate when called to protect. A sling, a stone and the power of the Almighty God brought a giant and his army down.

Instantly, young David, the secret king, became a military hero and son-in-law to the present king. What did it take to change the course of history for Israel? A young boy, growing brave, strong, and wise, in the fear of the LORD.  It wasn’t the man made weapons of war that won the day, but the heart of God and the heart of man becoming one.



Thursday, November 15, 2018

Does the LORD delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the voice of the LORD? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams.  I Samuel 15:22 (Chapters 14:24-15)

Saul made a petty proclamation; no one (his army) was to eat anything before he avenged himself.  Israel won a great victory and the men were exhausted and hungry, but afraid to hydrate and nourish themselves. Jonathan, who feared the LORD, had not heard of his father’s threatened curse and ate honey, setting in motion a death sentence.  God had already withdrawn His spirit from Saul, but Saul blamed God’s silence of Jonathan. (Jonathan’s life was spared when some men spoke in his defense.)

In another military engagement, Saul’s soldiers lute the Amalekites after a victory. His men were famished and ate meat with the blood still in it, something that was strictly forbidden in Jewish Law. Saul attempted to correct this wrong by building an altar to cook the meat. When Samuel came upon the scene, Saul played it off as a humble effort to worship God. God doesn’t want shallow motions and empty words. Samuel wasn’t fooled and God certainly knew the true heart of Saul.

The LORD grieved over Saul’s actions. He withheld Himself and Samuel’s presence for the rest of Saul’s reign. God will not dwell in the midst of sin, and He will not share space with man’s perverted sense of authority and self importance. Do not justify/spin your thoughts or actions. God knows all and any attempts to make lies into truth will be met with profound consequences. On a more restful note, Truth wins………all day, every day!



Wednesday, November 14, 2018

“You acted foolishly,” Samuel said. “You have not kept the command the LORD your God gave you; if you had, He would have established your kingdom over Israel for all time.  I Samuel 13 (Chapters 13-14:1-23)

For Saul, it was a very short walk from humble man to arrogant king. Impatience, fear and a military encounter prompted him to impersonate a priest when his army ran and hid. Saul put himself in the place of God’s authority. This spells doom for anyone who dares, then and today.  It cost Saul his dynasty.

Jonathan, Saul’s son, took a more reverent approach to the dire situation the Israelite army found themselves in, knowing the outcome, no matter the numbers or weapons, was in God’s mighty hand. The LORD rescued Israel.

Countenance means everything. It reveals our true belief in God’s place in our life in contrast to perception of our own ability and autonomy. A little success and suddenly you are a god, or….. hung between the Philistine army and a cliff brings great clarification as to who is God and who is not.  Be the same everyday, no matter the circumstance; humble, ready with praise and standing on faith.

Have a great day!


Tuesday, November 13, 2018

“Do not be afraid,” Samuel replied. “You have done all this evil; yet do not turn away from the LORD, but serve the LORD with all your heart. I Samuel 12:20 (Chapter 12) There is much to reap from verses 23-25 as well.

Samuel has faithfully served Israel since his early childhood. Still, Israel begged for a king and God provided, but all is not well. Now old, Samuel begins his goodbye, “You have your king, but you are full of sinful ways. Idolatry has become habitual and you must reteach yourself to fear the LORD!” While your sin is great, the grace is greater!”

This ends the era of judges. Politically it was a wise move to choose a king, but religiously it was a devastatingly wrong move, a first step away from God as the only sovereign King.  Samuel clearly warns that when God ceases to be King, the nation and monarchy will be wiped away. But! This old man is not ready to give up. He will pray with what breath he has left.

Our pastor recently stated, “The Bible has over 366 ‘Do not be afraid’ phrases.” That is no coincidence. One for each day of the year and one to spare.  Samuel leaves this message with Israel, his life’s love. “DO NOT BE AFRAID! There is hope in God alone!” In other words, God’s got this if you will give it to Him.



Monday, November 12, 2108

Then Samuel took a flask of oil and poured it on Saul’s head and kissed him, saying, “Has not the LORD anointed you leader over His inheritance? I Samuel 10:1

(Chapters 9-11)

Israel was losing its identity as a nation. The law of the jungle reigned in Canaan and might made right, so God selected a king. Saul was from the tribe of Benjamin which had been mostly annihilated. He had great physical stature but he wasn’t born expecting to be a king.

Lost donkeys began Saul’s journey to the throne.  His father sent him, along with a servant, to find the missing beasts. Miles away, God spoke to Samuel, informing him that a young man would arrive. Between signs and confirmations, Saul comes to understand the weight that has fallen on his shoulders. 

Samuel goes through great ceremony to express to all of Israel that Saul is God’s chosen leader, and for the first time since Joshua, the nation is united. Still, everyone is not on team Saul, but God takes care of that too. The city of Jebesh is threatened by the Ammonites. Sweeping in at the last minute, Saul and his forces win a magnificent victory, sealing his recognition as Israel’s new government.

Saul is an explicit example of God qualifying the called. If you’re called you will become qualified.

