Sunday Stories, May 21, 2017

Murder by Mouth

There are words in our English language, and I suspect every language on earth, that were originally harmless and very appropriate to a specific noun, verb, adverb or adjective, until someone used the word to describe another human in a derogatory manner, demeaning their character while informing everyone in hearing distance, the speaker felt they had no right to their oxygen. The word depicting a female dog is one that comes to mind, followed by the common name for a long eared beast of burden. With the use of these words and the attitudes they imply, we subtly order our interpersonal world.

The tongue is the most deadly weapon on earth. With words we murder character, wreak havoc, destroy stability and leave fear and confusion in the space we occupy. The tongue is also a major player in spinning the truth. Bending truth is a survival instinct that begins at a very young age and is so casual it can go completely unnoticed and unchecked. We are the center of our own little universe, mine is called Gretchen World, where everything comes back to us and our best interest. But scripture gives strong warning regarding our use of careless words. The tongue also is fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell. James 3:6 He continues in verse 9, With the tongue we praise our LORD and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness.

I exist in a world filled with both children and adults. What creates the greatest difficulty in the hours of my day? My mouth and the mouthes of those around me. We celebrate free speech and I’m all for it, but freedom isn’t a right to abuse, it is the greatest responsibility we are given. The freedom we enjoy was won by those that didn’t live to reap its benefit and the greatest honor we can return to them is to use their sacrifice to the greater good of mankind.

The weaving of my DNA left me with a very short stature, a dominant left hand, an inability to make sense of phonics and a propensity to zig when I should have zagged. How do I know these things are unacceptable? Because someone said so. The flip side of this story is that I can hold my own in a sassy match up with most anyone. I could probably win the Sassy Crown if there were such a contest, but I heard Pastor Steve Hall, Beebe Church of the Nazarene, state “If you’re going to argue, argue to change the world, not win a war of words.”

God gave us the gift of communication. There is no sweeter music than the laughter of children and no sharper double edged sword than a wicked, hateful tongue. What we say matters a lot and yes, we will be held to the highest standard of accountability. Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. Ephesians 4:29



Saturday, May 20, 2017

“Do you know when the mountain goats give birth? Do you watch when the doe bears her fawn?” Job 39:1

Job: A man stricken with life’s deepest tragedies compounded by well meaning friends who believed he brought it all on himself with hidden sins he wouldn’t confess.

Can someone love and serve God with absolutely no expectation of receiving anything in return? Is it possible to achieve perfect faith and love in the midst of continuing tragedy? This is Job’s struggle. If God doesn’t come through there is no reason to continue on, yet total separation from God is THE HOPELESSNESS Job is seeking to avoid. Job in tremendous despair, questioned God, yet God didn’t count it as sin. It was the beginning of great faith.

We will never understand how God ordered the universe. He is a WONDERful, all knowing, all loving Creator of a WONDERful world. When you have questions, He is the first and only ‘person’ you should turn to. Questions are not defiance, they are the beginning of knowledge and that originates at the Throne of God.

Happy Weekend,

Mom and Dad, I love you Big!!!

Friday, May 19, 2017

Then you will know I, the LORD your God, dwell in Zion, my Holy hill Jerusalem will be holy; never again will foreigners invade her. Joel 3:17

Little is known about the prophet Joel. His story begins with a swarm of locust descending on Palestine. The swarm blocks the sun and eats the entire food supply. It is a state of emergency.

Joel uses the devastation of this natural disaster as a call to repentance. God’s judgement will fall on those who refuse to obey. However, this is an unnecessary event. God longs to love, rescue and restore.

There will be a day when all those who have refused the Name of the Lord will bow and acknowledge His sovereignty. Those who have inflicted sorrow and pain on others will be justly and infallibly brought to reckoning. God will protect those who worship and obey Him and receive His abundant blessing.

Our destiny is ours to chose, but God’s plan is justice, security and blessings.

Have a great Friday,


Thursday, May 18, 2017

“But you, Son of Man, listen to what I say to you. Do not rebel like that rebellious house, open your mouth and eat what I give you.” Ezekiel 2:8

Ezekiel’s career was laid out before him. He would follow in the successful footsteps of his father. Then Jerusalem fell to the Babylonians and suddenly this young, vibrant servant of God was an exile. THEN GOD SPOKE! Ezekiel was to prophesy to the Israelites, a rebellious nation. God’s call included words of fortitude, “Do not be afraid,” and reckoning, “Whether they listen or fail to listen…..” Ezekiel answered. He was passionate, dedicated and utterly obedient.

Ezekiel was accountable call to spread the message of hope and restoration. Those who heard were responsible for their response to God’s message.

Jesus is Lord. We can learn this through a humble heart and redemption or a haughty attitude that brings judgement. The choice is ours. There are no excuses. Answer, obey or ignore……..

Love ya’ll!


Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Be perfect, therefore, as your Heavenly Father is perfect. Matthew 5:48

With the fall of man, humans lost their perfect image, their reflection of God. But we are called to return to that likeness. Through redemption, God’s saving grace and mercy, we can once again become that perfect creation God designed us to be.

Beginning in Matthew chapter 5 and continuing through chapter 7, Jesus’ great sermon is recorded. Just imagine sitting in the sun, on a hillside, listening to the VERY Word of God through the voice of His Son Jesus. Jesus spoke the words above that beautiful day, but equally important are words from the prayer He modeled a few moments later, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. If it is accomplished in Heaven, then it is possible on earth and that includes our perfection through salvation and Holy living.

We make mistakes, but there is a great difference between life’s ‘uh ohs’ and outright defiance to God and His stated ordinances. Perfection (Holiness), is possible or Jesus wouldn’t have spoken of it. God is able to lead us into His perfect love and will. It is the absolute best place on earth.



Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. I Thessalonians 5:18

The small group of believers in Thessalonica had a very difficult start. Many were arrested for disturbing the peace. They weren’t nosey rebels, the established Jewish community just took offense at their teaching that Jesus was the Messiah. Paul had to leave, but was anxious for their spiritual survival and sent Timothy back to check on them.

Timothy returned with good news and Paul responded with a letter. It is full of gratefulness for their faithfulness. Although they were deprived of their teacher/pastor, they were standing firm. Paul writes to them, encouraging and teaching. The words above are from the final part of his first letter.

If you have given your life to Christ, celebrate a resurrected Savior and eternal life with Him, then your life is completely under His control. He’s got this!!! He is worthy of your PRAISE no matter what is happening!

Have a Terrific Tuesday!


Monday, May 15, 2017

Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise-the fruit of lips that openly profess His name. Hebrews 13:15

Hebrews is unique to the New Testament in that it refers to Jesus as the High Priest. In Jewish tradition the High Priest is charged with leading God’s people into His presence and perfect worship through animal sacrifice. However, only the priest entered into the Holy of Holies, the inner most sanctuary where God dwells.

To refer to Jesus as the High Priest, the writer of Hebrews expresses that a new covenant has been established and Jesus as both priest and sacrifice, is our direct, flesh to flesh, connection with an intimate God.

Our atonement no longer needs an annual blood sacrifice of animals. Mercy and Grace, through the blood of Jesus, have replaced it. However, it is pleasing to God that we offer the sacrifice of our praise, professing His love and glory to a world lost, yet very loved.

Have a great Monday!


Sunday Stories, May 14, 2017

Teach Them Well

I was raised by a carpenter, then married a mechanic. This had no bearing on the great fascinations of my life. I love music, fashion and the fundamental processes of learning.

Nothing about carpentry or motors ever brings me to ponder the greater things of life like a concerto or an elegantly tailored ensemble, but to establish common ground I learned the difference between a miter saw, skill saw and table saw. When I married a mechanic learned the difference between a wrench and a ratchet. The key factor here is that I LEARNED! I didn’t come out of my mother’s womb knowing.

Holding a newborn puts the learning process into perspective. In tiny helpless humans we see the hope of greatness, yet….they can do nothing for themselves. There is a great journey between prospective knowledge and applicable knowledge. It is my opinion this process is often disrespected.

As a newly married couple, my husband and I spent a great deal of time in his father’s garage. Keith grew up in a farming community and survival meant understanding the basic maintenance practices for your implements and keeping work vehicles running. However, the man under the truck working can’t get much done if he has to continually crawl out and retrieve tools. When I joined the family I was promptly put to work fetching and toting. However, my lack of basic knowledge was a huge problem. It was frustrating and fights and hurt feelings resulted.

Falling in love qualified me to become a wife, not a grease monkey. No matter how much I wanted to do well, I needed a period of time to learn and someone patient to teach me.

My husband wasn’t being cruel. He grew up with two brothers in a world where everyone including his mother loaned a hand when needed. He didn’t remember a time of not knowing that gasoline and diesel were not the same and so he didn’t calculate that everyone didn’t just know.

There is a scripture that says, Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. Proverbs 22:6 NIV

I show up everyday to my classroom. I have plans, I have tools, I have skills, but none of this means anything if the acts of teaching and learning don’t come together. There is a continuum of transfer that must exist. An infant knows nothing, but with his first breath he begins accumulating knowledge. He soon comprehends that his hands are tools. These tools can grasp and propel. Quickly that helpless infant becomes mobile and years later he is a self-sustaining adult, whose once tiny hands now build his life.

Somewhere among our instincts and teachers we become………. ourselves.

The sage of Proverbs, Solomon, knew that great and long lasting knowledge must first have wise and loving counsel. If a child isn’t taught that God is foremost and always, loving and kind, he won’t know, and he must, because when he learns, he will never turn from it. And so……. we must teach them well!

Happy Mother’s Day,


Saturday, May 13, 2017

And if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God. Proverbs 2:4-5

I have known poverty. I have felt the penalty of wastefulness and I have learned the value of a dollar. As a result I have honed my skills and can search with great diligence and proficiency. Those searches have included better deals, lost items, things I want, gifts for others. Actually, there is nothing in my life that hasn’t required some seeking.

We must search for the things of God with as much enthusiasm and determination as we have applied toward earthly gain and comfort. God isn’t playing a petty game of hide-and-seek. but allowing our freewill to establish priorities. We seek what we want. The fear and knowledge of God must be our purposeful and intentional goal, our treasure.

Next time you go looking for that illusive something, let it remind you to spend quality time seeking God.



Friday, May 12, 2017

Wisdom, like an inheritance, is a good thing and benefits those who see the sun. Ecclesiastes 7:11

The book of Ecclesiastes is a book of observations. It references life with God and life without and draws the logical conclusions. Much of this book seems cynical, full of despair, but it encourages its reader to be realistic in life’s outlook and veer away from shallow pursuits and hypocrisy. Celebrate when there is joy, mourn when there is sorrow, recognize people for what they really are and make wise choices in your relationships to them.

In the complexity of life, wisdom is a great investment. True wisdom comes from the knowledge and pursuit of God’s character. ‘Those who see the sun.’ refers to the present living. It is wise to be mindful of death, but what matters in life and the wisdom you apply.

